Kandyce's Play Care
Sensory exploration with mud kitchen or ice painting
Exploring STEM learning with balls, cars, and ramps
Process art by painting with pine cones and branches or making music with sticks and pans
Developing motor and language skills through daily song, dance and finger play!
When a skill or interest is emerging, we’re going to support its growth and children’s understanding! Throwing food on the floor? We’re going to build motor skills by throwing balls, and bean bags, crumpled paper and wet sponges and all that ok to toss! Dumping everything from baskets? We’re going to explore cause and effect and volume with sand, buckets and water wheels and building block towers and crashing them down! Learning language? We’re going to read books and sing songs over and over and over and then play with puppets, engage in dramatic play and talk about everything we’re doing! Trying independence or to follow two-step directions? We’re going to practice getting our shoes, putting on jackets, washing our own hands, and putting things away all as we count or sing and play games!
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